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Full IB cycle covered

Support for Planning helps meet IB Standards & Practices requirements more easily.

Support for Teaching helps to reduce overwhelm, keep ATLs and Learner Profile at the forefront and streamlines planning & assessment with automation.

Support for Learning Increases student agency & transdisciplinarity.

Support for Reflection allows for forward planning with balance.

We want to improve the daily life of educators and increase student learning and well-being. What Qridi Core can do for you and your community is described below. Take advantage of the features that suit your context and routines. It's easy to use even for your youngest learners and, during the trial period, you can try the functions you want for free.

Qridi Sport app features include assessments, exercises, diaries, goals, tests and reports

How planning works

  • Filter content and choose elements for your unit plan with either a subject or ATL focus. All elements of PYP are easily accessible and aligned, including Key and Related Concepts.
    Use prioritisation to identify core and foundational core content. Core learning outcomes have been identified for 10 individual subjects (including for more than one grade).
    Filter for content according to the focus in your PoI. Plan vertical and horizontal articulation of all elements, including ATL skills.
    Balance in planning is indicated a a heatmap integrated with the filtering buttons. Ensure continuity and coherence across IB programmes.
    Write custom outcomes and tag them with PYP curriculum elements. Ensure continuity and coherence across IB programmes and local curricula.
with the application, you can easily manage the various events of the season
  • Either choose your own tags for each outcome or choose one of the pre-aligned "paths". Suggested alignment of up to 10 ATL skills is offered for each learning outcome.
    Edit tags in each each curriculum category separately. Easily construct and balance your Programme of Inquiry and Interdisciplinary Units.
    Edit outcomes to fit with your specific plans or curriculum demands. By streamlining the planning process with the assurance of balance and completion and by prioritizing core learning outcomes, more time for inquiry is available.
in the application you can communicate using videos, text or audio files
  • Write, edit and share your Units of Inquiry with your co-teachers and coordinator on a simple one-page digital planner.
    Download, share or print out your planners.
    Fewer planning steps are needed as aligned and chosen concepts automatically appear on the planner.
the mobile application enables Qridi Sport to be used everywhere

How teaching works

The exercise bank makes training planning quick and easy.
  • Learning outcomes and tags chosen in the unit planning phase are carried over to the lesson planner. Stay aware of the curriculum while planning engagements.
    Give instructions and attach digital content for your learning engagements.
    Hybrid/Flipped Teaching is modeled and allows programme flexibility.
    Conceptual understanding remains in focus for both teachers and students.
The exercise bank makes training planning quick and easy.
  • Follow you leareners' progress with self- and teacher assessment data combined.
    Filter tasks and view assessment data according to all curriculum elements tagged.
    Plan accross different subjects, co-teach effectively and use formative assessment data to differentiate and stay informed about chages that happen during teaching and learning.
    Share learning engagements with colleagues and publish whole units for others to use or browse the library for useful content and ideas.
The exercise bank makes training planning quick and easy.
  • No need for a separate learning portfolio. All tasks completed along with assessments and evidence are stored automatically for all stakeholders of learning to view through their individual interface.
    See learners' evidence and self assessments while you consider your teacher assessments.
    Provide feedback to learners and prompt them to make changes and additions.
    Utilize the possibility to give audio feedback to save time and effort.

How learning works

  • Students can toggle between subject and ATL views of their learning engagements.
    Digital Competencies goals are met authentically.
    Students have more ownership as they engage with lessons, reflect on and monitor their learning in multiple ways.
    See the difference in your students' well-being.
    It's easy to use even for your youngest learners.
  • Learners see their progress in their own interface as radial diagrams. Feedback is seen as overlapping areas for self- and teacher assessment in terms of subjects, ATLs, Key Concepts and Learner Profile.
    Learners see all their work, objectives and instructions given to them. They are also aware of how they are being assessed.
    Work can be viewed either from the viewpoint of subjects or ATL skills
    Learners reflect on their work either in writing or by uploading audio, video, iamges or files. They also relfect on the Learner Profile for each task and self-assess according to the same scale as their teacher.
  • Learners can view and reflect on all of their past work in terms of the evidence, written and recorded reflections as well as self- and teacher assessments.
    Teachers can comment on learners' work in writing or as audio
    for each enagagement separately.
    Viewing and assessing student work is simple and effortless.
  • The coach and the athlete can set goals for different areas
    (e.g. sports skills, life management or physics).
    The athlete or coach can determine the implementation method,
    how the progress of the goal is monitored.
    The athlete regularly reflects on reaching the goal. The coach can see
    the goals and progress of the athletes and can give feedback on the progress.

How reflection works

  • See an overview of your learners' progress in terms of self-assessment as well as your teacher assessment data while you teach. Colour coded assessment grid show your class at a glance and individual data views give you a more detailed view of each learner separately
    View and comment learning evidence uploaded by the learners.
    Submit evidence on behalf of your learners.
Visual reports help to observe the athlete's development
  • View data about balance in planning and teaching separately to reflect and forward plan effectively.
    View your chosen time frame, units and curriculum elements.
    Progress bars of what was planned versus what you ended up teaching is a powerful tool for reflection.
Visual reports help to observe the athlete's development
  • View learning data for your chosen time frame, units and curriculum elements.
    Compare self- and teacher assessments for each varialbe.
    View progress over time for selected elements with line graphs on an individuall or group level.
    Make reflection effortless and meaningful for all parties.
Visual reports help to observe the athlete's development

How communication works

the versatile features of the video tool help the athlete and the coach to evaluate the success of the exercises afterwards
  • Qridi comes with an instant messaging feature that allows simplified and easy communication between the teacher and his students and their parents.
    Pin messages on the notice board.
    Parents stay informed of all aspects of school life through their own interface.
    School leaders, board members or municipality/organisation/school chain decicion makers can look at data views from their perspective.